Whenever you have thoughts in your mind, take a moment to look into your thought and find out what are these thoughts regarding.
Every thought is about a role that you are playing. A mother will
have thoughts about her child. A wife will have thoughts regarding her
husband. As an employer, you will have thoughts pertaining to your job.
Once you identify that a given thought or a chain of thoughts is
pertaining to a particular role, surrender that role to Divine.
Gradually , all thoughts will dissolve and you will be established in
There are two stages in spirituality. The first stage is to be nobody
and the second stage is to become everybody from nobody. We can only
work towards the first stage; we can surrender all the roles to Divine
and empty our mind from all the thoughts. Once we are firmly established
in that stage of being nobody, Divine takes us to the next step of
being everybody ...where we become one with the entire universe. Effort
is needed to get to first stage and Divine grace takes us to second
It is only when we give up all the different roles that we have taken
up in life that we become nobody and as they say (only) nobody can be
Surrendering the role does not mean not fulfilling your
responsibilities associated with that role. On the contrary, it means
fulfilling all your responsibilities depending only on Divine without
expecting anything from anybody.